Is the Deutschland-Ticket subscription-based?
Yes, the Deutschland-Ticket is subscription-based. The fee is collected monthly, using the payment method selected when setting up the subscription with the respective transport association. The ticket is renewed automatically but can be cancelled monthly. The ticket can also be purchased for immediate use in the current month. Due to high uptake, our customer centres are very busy, so longer waiting times are to be expected. We therefore recommend that you purchase your ticket in good time (more on this in the next section).
How can I cancel my Deutschland-Ticket subscription?
The Deutschland-Ticket subscription can be cancelled at any time. If you cancel your subscription by the 10th of the month, your Deutschland-Ticket will no longer be valid in the following month. Generally, cancellation is quick and easy, and can be processed in the subscription portal of the respective transport association.
Why was my subscription cancelled?
A subscription may be cancelled by the contractual partner due to a declined payment, for example. You can contact the respective transport company or association at any time to clarify the issue.
How do I obtain a new ticket after my subscription has been cancelled?
If all dues have been settled in full and LOGPAY registers no missed payment, you must subscribe anew by purchasing a Deutschland?Ticket. Since LOGPAY is a payment service provider, it cannot issue a ticket, even if you make a subsequent payment.